Friday, July 27, 2012

Monday, July 23, 2012

Banana cake a la mode

Yummy!!! Specially the home made CRISPY banana cake, and happy you like it! :)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

尤海姆年輪蛋糕 Juchheim - Hong Kong

Passed by couple times and always saw many people queue up to buy that cake, what is so good about it?
Tonight went there around close time, no queue...ok! let's try it!
A bit too sweet for me, tender and moist enough, yummy.....

Sunday, July 8, 2012

latte baguette whiskey elton john

who cares?....:p

yeah! my darling..... what a life!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


沒有空 掛念你 若我口齒 極伶俐 大概早 已經單打單到你 受不起 難道你 捱不起 我要玩 不受理 沒人纏住 你是好福氣 如果 天都迫我爭氣 離去 大概不會死 我退出 但求大家歡喜 無謂到最後 不三不四 

suddenly 聽到呢首歌, 覺得好聽!