Saturday, July 23, 2011

VERO & strawberry

最近戀上Vero 既lemon drops, 甜漏朱古力中帶少少酸味, 特別好食!
如果再加杯 rose.....hehhee.....perfect!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Manolo Blahnik for TOUS

雖然得一對腳, 但鞋又點會嫌多呢? 而且他比manolo還便宜, 還可做善事, 你唔會"say no"既?! :p

Friday, July 1, 2011

Freshly from the backyard ~ lychee

One lychee = three flames? Who cares? They are all so sweet and juicy. The seeds are so small. Most important, they are from the home's backyard!