Saturday, August 13, 2011

coughing recipe from Jola - 燉橙

呢排咳唔停, 最衰都係自己唔好, 好番小小後又唔介口, 真係咳到個肚d muscle 都痛 -.-
食藥都食都悶, stuck at home almost a week
下個禮拜答應去HG dinner party, 所以一定要搞好d咳!!
Jola 同 Kris 就提供了呢個止咳recipe, 我好乖的去照做....
Jola 既"燉橙" :p
..食起嚟怪怪的, 熱的橙 -.-, 我唯有imagine食緊 crêpe with orange sauce à la mode ^.^ 裡的sauce
ps. 好多謝Jola 同 Kris 的recipe

Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Playful touch - Hello Kitty swarovski

To the Kat lover~
For the past decades, Hello Kitty has captured the hearts of its numerous loyal followers, especially the young candy girls. This year, Sanrio joins hands with Swarovski to crate the first ever special Swarovski Hello Kitty collection to bring surprises to all Hello Kitty fans around the globe. The fabulous collection comes with a wide range of accessories, necklaces, bracelets and figurines. Each item features the iconic Hello Kitty face and is incorporated with such decorations as flowers, bows and stars, which are poppy and joyful, delivering a touch of elegant playfulness.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Caveman - Good Show

今朝SUNDAY!!大清早6點幾收到個blocked call, 平時既我係唔會pick up, 因為仲未瞓醒, 就answered 了.
又係無聊人, 叫我估佢係邊個, 問我瞓醒未....近來好嗎 he insane???!!!!! 好唔明白, 應該係唔會明白呢d人既行為, 打嚟究竟做乜? 打完好有滿足感咩? 到了晚上佢又call 嚟, 同樣是blocked call, 我唔pick up, 佢就好鍾意係我voice mail 留音樂, 今次亦不例外, 究竟佢要幾時先收手呢??.......
wuwuwwwuuu....我以後唔敢再亂比電話號碼人 -.-"
今晚去睇 Caveman, 今次係第2次, 仍然覺得好睇, GOOD SHOW!! 歐錦棠講到果句"男人係仆街", 我立即想起早上個無聊人, very very strongly agree!!

Friday, August 5, 2011


it's really a FUNNY food......just for fun, not for the taste....:p